Search & Rescue – 40 Horsepower Motor
Search & Resuce Model 40
Raider Model 40 Outboard Motor
PART NO. (R40-ES-002)
Military Grade Outboard Motor deployed by Air National Guard for Search and Rescue Operations.
• When submerged may be rapidly dewatered and restored to operation to continue operations, add-ing capability and capacity to SAR operations con-ducted in inclement weather conditions where craft are exposed to dynamic sea states and in-creased probability for flooding or immersion.
• Capable of operating with propeller and jet pump for seamless transition between flood zones and brown water operations to littoral waters or open ocean. Reduces risk during recovering personnel in the water by eliminating injuries due to inad-vertent contact with a spinning propeller
• May be deployed with airdroppable capable wa-tercraft via fixed wing or vertical-lift aircraft where persons face immediate threats to life.
• Ease of maintenance. Simplistic proven designs, redundant systems, and reduced electronics.